File Your Articles of Amendment Today
Change your LLC or Corporation name, address, and more
Part of filing as a legal business entity includes creating Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Organization. The information submitted included the business name, business structure (LLC, S Corporation, C Corporation, or Nonprofit [LINK ALL OF THESE]), the registered agent’s name and contact info, and the names of partners.
Sometimes, as your business evolves, you find your business name no longer suits you. Or maybe your business begins undergoing changes. Whatever the case is, these major changes that alter the information of your Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Organization needs to be reported to your secretary of state.
This is done by filing an Articles of Amendment form.
Any major event that alters the information on your Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Organization needs to be reported to your secretary of state by filing an Articles of Amendment form.
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Articles of Amendment need to be filed to change the following information:
Changes in directors, officers, or members for LLCs
Updating the business address of a corporation or LLC
Changes in the number of authorized shares issued by a corporation
Altering stated business activities conducted by the corporation or LLC
Amendment Filing
Common questions about
filing an Amendment
What business need to be reported in an Articles of Amendment form?
Changes that require filing an amendment with a secretary of state include:
- Changes in business name
- Updates to contact information
- An updated business address
- Changes in directors or members (or their information)
- New or updated business activites
- Changes in the number of authorized shares
Most of the information contained in originally filed articles can be modified by filing an amendment. You cannot change a registered agent or filing date through Articles of Amendment.
What information do I need to file an Articles of Amendment?
The information needed to file an Articles of Amendment includes:
- Your current business name
- The updated business name (if applicable)
- The text of the new amendments that you are adopting
- Dates when each amendment was adopted (some states require member or board of directors voting to pass these amendments).
Why do I need to file Articles of Amendment?
LLCs and Corporations have their information available to the public, so it’s important that any information in their Articles of Organization is correct. This information includes business name, business address, and owners and managers of the company. If problems arise, the information in the Articles of Organization will be used to prove who owns the company. This also ensures your legal rights if a name dispute arises.
How do I file my Articles of Amendment?
Articles of Amendment need to be filed with your secretary of state. This means delivering the forms to their office in some way. Some states do accept online filing, but this may come with an extra fee. UberBusiness can take care of all of this for you.
What's the fee for filing Articles of Amendment?
The fee varies from state to state. UberBusiness has a filing fee of $119.
How long does it take to file Articles of Amendment?
Filing time varies from state to state. In California, the process takes over eight weeks. Luckily, many states offering expedited service for a small fee.
Do I receive anything when the Articles of Amendment ae filed?
Yes. The state will return a copy of filed Articles to UberBusiness. We then mail those copies to our customers.
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Dissolution |
Fictitious Business Name |
Terminates the existence of a business entity | Filed when conducting business under a different name | |
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Annual Reports |
Certificate of Good Standing |
Business License Search |
Trademark Name Search |
Most states require periodic reports to ensure business information is up to date | Required by governmental and private agencies to validate a companies status in order to facilitate specified transactions. | Used to uncover all business licenses needed at state and federal level | Protects your brand, logo, and tagline from infringement. |
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EIN / Tax ID # |
File Business Taxes |
File S Corp Tax Election |
EINs are needed to open bank accounts, submit payroll taxes, and file taxes.
Get support with your federal business tax return. | Receive tax benefits by acquiring S Corp status |
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