How to Prepare And File a Fictitious or DBA Name

This Filing is Required by Most States When Conducting Business Under a Different Name From Your Legal Business Name

What is a Fictitious Business Name?

A Fictitious Business Name is a name that you conduct business as that differs from the official, registered name of your business. These names normally need to be filed with your Secretary of State, or any other governing body of business formation. Fictitious Business Names do not usually carry over from state to state, so you will need to file your fictitious names in all states you do business.

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Why Businesses Choose to Use Fictitious Business Names


Some business owners operate under their legal business names. Others opt to use different names. Here are some situations when having an alternate name may come in handy:

Incorporating in multiple states

Some businesses may find themselves incorporating in multiple states, but wanting their business name to reflect specific locations. For example: “Tampa Bay Massage”, “Atlanta Massage”. Even within the same state, you may want your name to reflect different locations. Under these circumstances, fictitious names come in handy.

Expanding or changing of products or services

Sometimes, your business evolves. When this happens, you may want to operate under a new name. For example, if you own a business called “Terry’s Paints”, but you switch to a service based painting business, you may want to operate under the name, “Terry’s Painting Solutions”.


If you filed a legal business name that’s similar to your own, you may want to use a fictitious name for personal privacy reasons.

Fictitious Business Names Are Also Known As

Trade Name

Assumed Business Name

Doing Business As Name

Different states use different terms for a Fictitious Business Name. In Maryland, an FBN is referred to as a “Trade Name”. In Illinois, they’re called “Doing Business As” names. Whatever the term, they all do the same thing – allow your business to operate under a different name from its legal name.

How To File Your Fictitious Business Name Yourself

Want to file yourself? Here’s how:

1.  Find out what state entity you form a business with (usually Secretary of State).

2.  Go to the appropriate website and find the section on DBA, trade, fictitious or assumed names.

3. Download the necessary forms.

4. Fill in all the relevant details on the form.

5. Submit the form. Some states allow online filing. In others, you’ll need to fax it or mail it.

6. Pay the filing fee.

Sometimes, fictitious business names can be formed on a county level. If this is the case, you'll likely have to register with each county the fictitious name is used.

Have UberBusiness Register And File For You

If you don’t want to do all that heavy lifting yourself, have UberBusiness take care of everything for you. Just start with our “Fictitious Business Name” service. We’ll collect all the info we need, then we’ll deal with the forms, filing, and fees. We’ve made everything as simple as possible.

Available Any Time

You can use this service whenever you need it.

Fictitious Name Search

Is your fictitious name available? Do a quick search to see if names are taken on your state authority’s website.

Protecting Your Business Name

Fictitious names don’t protect your business name. The best way to secure your business name is by legally forming an LLC or corporation. However, if you want an extra step of security, trademark your business name.

Leave it to us by using our affordable trademark search and registration service. We make it simple to protect all of your business names.

Which States Allow Fictitious Business Names?

Not all states allow fictitious business names. Find out which do, and which don’t below – along with the costs and appropriate forms for each state.

State Fictitious Names Available? Necessary Form &
What Fictitious Names Are Known As
State Fees to Register
Fictitious Name
Arkansas $23
California DBA $0
Colorado Statement of trade name $20
Washington DC Trade name registration $55
Delaware Registration of trade, business & fictitious name certificate $25
Florida Fictitious name registration $50
Hawaii Registration of trade name $50
Iowa Ficitious name resolution $5
Idaho Certificate of assumed business name
Illinois Assumed name adoption $140
Indiana Assumed business name $20
Kentucky Certificate of assumed name $20
Louisiana Application to register trade name
Maryland Trade name application $75
Maine Statement of intention to do
business under an assumed
or fictious name
Michigan Certificate of assumed name $25
Minnesota Assumed name $50
Missouri Registration of fictious name $7
Mississippi Fictious name registration $25
Montana Assumed business name registration $20
North Carolina Assumed business names $26
North Dakota
Nebraska Trade name registration $100
New Hampshire Trade name registration $52
New Jersey Registration of alternate name $53
New Mexico
Nevada Fictitious firm name $25
New York Certificate of assumed name $125
Ohio Fictitious name registration $39
Oklahoma Trade name $25
Oregon Assumed business name registration $50
Pennsylvania Registration of fictitious name $70
Rhode Island Fictious business name statement $50
South Carolina
South Dakota Fictitious name registration $10
Tennessee Assumed name $20
Texas Certificate of assumed business name
Utah DBA $22
Vermont Trade name $50
Wisconsin Trade name $15
West Virginia Trade name $25
Wyoming Trade name $100

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Frequently Asked Questions About Filing a Fictitious Business Name

Can I File a Fictitious Name Instead of Forming a Business?

Yes. However, you won’t have the legal protection or the benefits that come with legal busiiness formation. If you want that, you’ll need to formally create a separate business entity. If you need help with that, we’ve got your back. 

I Don't Know Where to File My Fictitious Name

Some states refer to fictious names by different terms. Some states call them trade names. Others call them doing business as names. Some states don’t allow them at all. You can find the appropriate information in the table above. You can also use our helpful state-by-state guides for LLCs and corporations.

Do I Have to Choose Between My LLC Name and My Fictitious Business Name?

No. You can use both interchhangeably. But, this may create confusion among the people your business interacts with.

Does Filing a Fictitious Name Mean Nobody Else Can Use It?

No. If you haven’t legally formed a business, another business entity or person can take your fictitious name.